Emotions Vs. Logic Stock Market Trading.

Why do most of the traders fail to make money? Can a 12th pass candidate earns millions from the stock market... Emotions play a very crucial role in trading in the stock market. I have observed that many times a well educated person (i.e. Technical Analyst) fails to make money and a common person who knows nothing about it but basics does wonder. How does it happen? See, Stock Market is filled with the numerous of brains which comprises of several major emotions which every human being does carry i.e. Fear, Greed, Anger and Hope. And these emotions have no link with the education qualification of any person. A highly graduated masters degree holder or a normal graduated person both can have these emotions. Major winner will always be the person who will manage their emotions, not the one who is more qualified. Briefly understand how the market works, Whether you agree or not but it is true, Market is moved by market makers (20% people have la...