Systematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk. How to calculate Beta ?
When a company starts a business has to face two kinds of risk one is systematic and another is unsystematic risk. 1. Systematic risk - It is non diversifiable risk. It exists because of macroeconomic factors like- Political, Legal, Economical, Social, Legal Rules and Laws. Because it exists into the system so it is a non diversifiable risk. 2. Unsystematic risk - It is diversifiable risk. It exists because of microeconomic factors like- Weak internal control, Weak management, Bad Strategies, Bad product line. Example of unsystematic risk - Business Risk or Financial Risk. When we talk about beta it is a systematic risk which is non diversifiable. Which measures the volatility of the stock with respect to the market. High beta stocks: These stocks outperforms the market when market rises provided financials should allow and falls heavily when the market does fall. Low beta Stocks: These stocks neither outp...